Thursday, April 3, 2008

Please don't kick my baby out of day care!

Well well well.....Miss. Amanda got wrote up at school today:-) Ms. Nicole wrote a note about her desire demand for attention. In other words my little lady is SPOIL!!! Yes I said it....she is SPOIL!!! It's all our fault I can admit. When we get home Jacquelle holds her while I fix something to eat. Then we eat and since we have been too busy to go buy another high chair he holds her while he feeds her and while he eats. Then one of us gets Amira ready for bed and the other one holds Amanda. Then I nurse her and if she goes to sleep I put her in her crib but if she doesn't I pass her to daddy and he holds her while he watches ESPN. Do you see a theme going here? This little lady gets held WAY too much!!! I wish I could call Ms. Nicole tonight and start discussing the techniques she's been trying at day care so we can start them tomorrow morning since I usually hold her while I get Amira ready and/or while I fix Amira's breakfast.

When Amira was at her last day care there was a 6mo old little boy that got kicked out of daycare since his mama held him too much and he cried all day. Even though this was a home care and Ms. Nicole has a home care there are still 4 other children to care for. So when I drop them off tomorrow I will have to ask Ms. Nicole.......please don't kick my baby out of day care!

This was taken about 30 minutes ago.....This was after we gave them a bath, I nursed Amanda and then while I read Amira some books Amanda got held by her daddy while he did some work on his laptop. And then she fell asleep in his lap while she was being held and he laid her in the crib. Looks like the Leggett household will have to change up the routine of HOLDING AMANDA!

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