Saturday, April 19, 2008

I experienced my first and last earthquake!

I did a talk at University of Missouri and at 4:39am on Friday (April 18). I woke up to my bed shaking and all the doors in my room shaking. I was in a bed and breakfast that was an old house so things were creaky anyway so I tried to convince myself that someone was walking really hard in the hallway. Then I realized that my bed was really shaking and I KNEW in my heart that it was an earthquake. I decided to let it go but couldn’t get back to sleep. I tried to convince myself that it couldn’t have been an earthquake but I knew it was. I was relieved when at breakfast someone asked “Did you feel the earthquake?”…..I knew I wasn’t crazy! Thankfully I had a flight out of there soon after so I was hoping not to experience any aftershocks.

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